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Cayman Kai and North Side: A Great Place To Be

Anyone who has ever visited the Cayman Islands knows that each district has its own flavor. Its own distinct personality. West Bay has its own vibe. Seven Mile Beach is full of hustle and bustle. East End offers a quiet chill country coastal feel and Savannah is commercial hub of that region. Bodden Town was, of course, the first capital...

Lacovia To Be Redeveloped

It seems that Lacovia, one of the oldest developments on Cayman’s Seven Mile Beach, is going the way of the dodo bird. Recently the Cayman Islands Central Planning Authority approved plans to tear down and redevelop Lacovia – and the announcement has ruffled some feathers. Objections Neighbors to the new project have made several objections to the size and scale...

Cayman Tourism Reaches New Heights

Well folks, the secret is most definitely out. Cayman is the place to be in the Caribbean. Tourism here has been on an absolute boom as more and more people choose the nation as their preferred vacation destination. Double the numbers The numbers alone reflect this boom in tourism. The amount of stay over tourists visiting the Cayman Islands has...

Caribbean Christmas

It’s the most wonderful time of the year Bobo! Christmas time in the Caribbean is one of the best times of the year to be in the region. Locals and tourists alike celebrate the changing of the season and ring in the New Year in style. Parties, street fairs and revelry abound. As most of the islands have retained some...

Duppies and the Rolling Calf Story

Autumn is Halloween season in many parts of the world and that rings true where I grew up in the Midwestern United States. Kids would dress up and ‘trick or treat’ through the streets in their scariest, spookiest costumes. Ghost stories and tales of hauntings were the order of the day. In honor of this, I have decided to tell...

Potential Big Changes Coming To Cayman Brac

Big things could be coming to the quiet, tranquil island of Cayman Brac. Big things! New Brac Experience Brac businessman Mr. Mervyn Scott envisions a totally redesigned experience for tourists and locals alike. Think aerial trams, world-class hotel accommodations and an all new ferry system for visiting and exploring the sister island of Little Cayman. All of this would transform...

Cayman’s John Gray High School Project Starts Up Again

Well it’s been a long time in the works but recently it was announced that the multi-million-dollar plan to finish John Gray High School will finally proceed. The construction, to the tune of forty some odd million dollars, has been planned – yet never started – for over ten years. Back in the year 2012, over fifty million dollars had...

Moving to the Cayman Islands

Thinking of Moving to the Cayman Islands? Read this first... Moving to a new country is a big step in life. Leaving your homeland behind for a new one across the sea can be an amazing experience. Learning about a new culture and way of life is an enriching experience that one will remember forever. Nowhere is this truer than...

New Development on 7 Mile Beach Sees Local Pushback

And the beat goes on. Property development, especially in the luxury/high-end vacation home sector is booming with new properties beginning construction seemingly weekly on Grand Cayman. This is not, however, completely without controversy… Latest Development Recently a group of developers known as Libanon Corp. has been trying to get planning approval for a large project in the highly desirable 7...

Cost of Rents Skyrocket in the Cayman Islands

Well the secret is out… Living in the Cayman Islands is expensive! Okay, maybe that wasn’t that much of a secret. But it’s getting more expensive by the day. Specifically, the cost of renting a home in the Cayman Islands is skyrocketing. And people are feeling the effects. Rental Increases Recently, figures were released by the office of Economics and...

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