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Cayman Kai and North Side: A Great Place To Be

Cayman Kai and North Side: A Great Place To Be

Anyone who has ever visited the Cayman Islands knows that each district has its own flavor. Its own distinct personality. West Bay has its own vibe. Seven Mile Beach is full of hustle and bustle. East End offers a quiet chill country coastal feel and Savannah is commercial hub of that region. Bodden Town was, of course, the first capital city of the Cayman Islands and home to pirate caves and friendly locals.

Where I live

While all of these areas have their own unique flair and traditions – I’m here to talk a little bit about where I live. Cayman Kai and North Side.

Cayman Kai describes itself as “the delightful community by the sea” and that’s pretty much exactly what it is. I like to describe it as the “island-y” part of Grand Cayman.

Removed from the hustle and bustle of Seven Mile Beach and West Bay Road – Cayman Kai’s focus is its attachment and proximity to the sea. A far cry from the mega resorts in town – Cayman Kai’s fingers and North Side’s beaches are dotted with colorful beach houses and quaint single-family homes.

Slower pace

Life moves a bit slower in these parts and any given day can find residents and tourists alike basking in the sun or walking the quiet beaches. Families here have been here for many years and are very tight-knit. Foodstuffs can be purchased at the “mom & pop” style Chisholm’s Grocery and mudslides can be gulped in the shade at Rum Point.

Kaibo is great for lounging or fine dining upstairs in the evenings. Sunday afternoons are for anchoring the boat at Rum Point or feeding the rays and other aquatic animals at Stingray City.

Just chillin’

The true beauty of Cayman Kai lies not in what it is – but what it isn’t. This isn’t a place to go for college spring break. There isn’t a place to drive ATVs on the beach and chug light beer. This isn’t a place to parasail or listen to a concert or raise hell. This is a place to CHILL. To relax and reflect. To wonder about life in solitude as a fiery sun sets over the sea. This is a place to reconnect with family and friends. A place to really relax, refresh and reflect. This is the place Kenny Chesney and Jimmy Buffett and Barefoot Man sing about. Somewhere great beyond the sea…

Real estate in Cayman Kai

Sound intriguing? Well that’s where I come in. As a sales professional, I can tell you that real estate is booming in Cayman Kai and on North Side. As you come into the districts all you have to do is look to see that homes are going up left and right. As reported in CIREBA, two homes have already sold in 2020 and nearly 60 were sold last year. There are currently 71 slices of Heaven still up for grabs.

If Cayman Kai or North Side sound like your cup of tea, hit me up or simply walk up the beach and say hello. I’ll be the guy in the pink trunks smiling ear to ear.

You can reach Johnny at 345.916.5294 or via email at john.pohlmann@eracayman.com (He’s also sitting on the beach in those pink trunks)

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