New home construction in the Cayman Islands adheres to strict local standards that are designed to take tropical weather, including hurricanes, into account. The local standards are derived from best practices in Florida which have been fine-tuned over many decades…
…by government authorities with input from industry.
Of course, contractors who do the work of building have different styles and price points. So it is wise to inquire about the specific hurricane features included in your new home. The developer will be able to tell you about the roof, door/window, and wall construction, flooding levels and whether shutters are included in the purchase price.
Those purchasing existing homes will also want to investigate the features intended to avoid hurricane damage. Your real estate agent can advise you about the features likely present based on the age of the home. Local contractors can upgrade certain areas, such as the roof, to make them more hurricane durable. For example, hurricane straps can be added to rafters and wall plates to improve structural integrity in high winds.
Hurricane features also affect your homeowner’s insurance. As another example, tile standing seam roofing will result in lower rates and deductibles over corrugated or shingled roofing.
Inquire with the builder and your real estate agent to learn how your new home is built to avoid hurricane damage.